PhD students are supported by the program itself during the first quarter (laboratory rotation program) and following that, as “graduate student researchers” (GSRs) through intra or extramural grants by the identified major professor.
We expect the major professor to fully financially support the graduate student after conclusion of the rotation program with support from intra or extramural research funds. GGI students in good academic standing are provided a competitive stipend which follows NIH guidelines, as well as fees/tuition and health insurance coverage. However, many opportunities for financial support exist for graduate students and we strongly encourage all students to actively seek out these opportunities. Apart from doing "your part" in support of your research, obtaining a fellowship looks great on your CV and will make you more competitive for your future job-hunt!
Please note, financial support is not provided to Masters degree students.
NIH Training Grant Fellowships
A number of prestigious NIH-training fellowships are available on a competitive basis for qualified PhD students. Those are usually available following advancement to PhD candidacy (i.e. after passing the qualifying examination) and have varied deadlines. We encourage you to contact the responsible faculty members directly for more information.
Teaching Assistantships
A large number of "teaching assistantships" (TA-ships) are available that offer training opportunities in teaching while providing financial support. TA-ships are administered by different departments affiliated with the Graduate group in Immunology. Apply directly to the relevant Departments.